Jack Phoenix

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This article is about the photonovel character. For info about the author of the photonovels, please see User:Jack Phoenix.
Jack Phoenix
Biographical information


Date of birth

52 BBY

Physical description




Hair color


Eye color


Chronological and political information

Jack Phoenix was a CTU agent of Dobermann origin and one of CTU Coruscant's Directors and later the head of Order of the Phoenix, a rebellian group formed against the Galactic Empire and Emperor Palpatine. His father was Leonard Phoenix, a famous Republic hero and a military officer.

Biography[edit | edit source]

The Head of Communications at CTU[edit | edit source]

In 32 BBY, some moments before the Invasion of Naboo, Jack was hired to CTU as their Head of Communications. He barely got enough time to sit down when Raoul Kerite, the acting Director of CTU, asked Jack to help him. They went to Naboo to find out why all communications from Naboo were suddenly shut off. Harrison Ford, another CTU agent, tried to stop them, but failed. He then called Internal Security of CTU after them, but by the time the Internal Security arrived, Raoul and Jack were en route to Naboo already.

On Naboo, Jack met with Queen Amidala and shot a couple battle droids. Soon more droids started appearing and they shot Raoul Kerite dead and captured Jack. He was then taken to an underground hideout where he was tortured and his right hand ultimately cut off by a Tusken Raider. What the Tusken hadn't noticed was that Jack had stolen one of his staffs that he later used to kill the Tusken and to destroy the battle droids in the hideout.

Jack then made his way to a ship, which was guarded by one battle droid. He hid under the ship and took the droid out with one swift move. When he got back to CTU, he was almost arrested by the Internal Security, but Bail Organa of Division Command saved him, as he ordered the Internal Security troopers to take Jack into medical care.

When Jack recovers, Bail promotes him to the Director of CTU. Now the Director of the CTU HQ, Jack organizes a meeting between him and his agents. Jack is soon interrupted by the protocol droid S-3PO, who reminds him that he should interrogate a Neimoidian diplomat. Harrison Ford notices that Jack's right hand is golden, so he asks about it. Jack replies that he doesn't want to talk about it and then he ends the meeting and proceeds to the interrogation room. The Neimoidian diplomat is not very willing to talk, but Jack takes his gun out, and the Neimoidian tells him everything he knew about the Invasion of Naboo. Jack then kills the Neimoidian as his way of saying "thanks".

When he's back in the main CTU, he orders S-3PO to send in a team to clean up the interrogation room. Harrison Ford notices Jack talking to the protocol droid and he asks the droid what Jack said, but the droid refuses to tell. He then arms himself with a gun, calls the Internal Security and pays a visit to the Director's office. Jack notices that he's being pointed with a gun by Harrison, so he quickly chokes Harrison enough to knock him out, but not to kill him. However, the Director of Internal Security, Jake saw this and he arrests Jack. When he's taking Jack out of the CTU building, he's stopped by Bail Organa who demands to know why Jack's in handcuffs.

After getting out of the CTU building, Jack knocks Jake out and frees himself from the handcuffs and disappears into the shadows of Coruscant.

Behind the scenes[edit | edit source]

Jack Phoenix is loosely based on Jack Bauer from 24 the television series.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

preceded by:
CTU's Head of Communications
32 BBY
succeeded by:
Joseph Auda
preceded by:
Raoul Kerite
Director of CTU
32 BBY
succeeded by:
Dakar Dolan
preceded by:
Grand Master of the Order of the Phoenix
succeeded by:
none, Order dissolved by Vader